How to stay healthy by toning your vagus nerve

I started being interested in the effects of the toning or stimulating the vagus nerve that could reduce stress and anxiety. The vagus nerve runs from the brain to the stomach and calms the nerves and balances the systems. I recently ran across an article in Medium explaining how the vagus nerve works and how it could help with Covid 19.
I would like to share it. Wishing you all a safe and peaceful 2022.

Information video on vagus nerve…

Activating the Vagus Nerve might Lower your Covid 19 risk

ONLINE PRIVATE SESSIONS – With the ease of Zoom…

It’s a new world and we are finding out how creative we can be to keep our bodies moving, limber and healthy!

Lets try it out, click here to contact me for an appointment time (Tuesdays -Thursday)
$110 for hour session;
pay with Venmo or PayPal or send a check!

I was a bit resistant about how to convey the message of ease, connection, guidance and support while unable to use my hands. I was presently surprised at my clients responses because they were able to really experience what they were sensing in a very supportive way and notice how much calmer they became after our sessions together. Here is what they said:

“When we asked this question “where does it feel a little easy” is so helpful to me. It’s a low, achieveable bar to clear. It’s not intimidating. It’s not asking where I am COMPLETELY relaxed. I feel uptight in a lot of places, but I can find a place / part where I feel “a little easy,” which is a good place to start. I hope that’s helpful. Thanks again! C S (New York)

“I have tried many different ways of calming down and I have never really found something that makes me really feel comfortable. But this Zoom (online) session with Karen has! Thank you. KG (Hanover, Germany)

How Mia discovered that the stiffness in her ankles affected her painful hips

Mia (not real name) attended the last workshops series on how to find our graceful, strong body.  And she shared with us what she had discovered after the workshop we did on walking.  She loves to walk her dog however, her right hip was always getting her attention because it was so painful. 

When we started to look at how the freedom in her ankle related to the freedom in her hip; a light went off in her awareness and she could now make a choice on how she was walking and let her ankles be easy and her hip pain subsided.  She said, “I know I will have to be more attentive to changing my patterns of walking. This is a practice I can explore on my own.